Lucia and the Fawn

Apr 22, 2014

I painted this one a few weeks ago, but forgot to share it on my blog! Spring is one of my favorite seasons, with new flowers popping up everywhere, warmer weather and newborn critters! I had this idea awhile ago, sort of a combination of the Grimm's fairy tale The Princess and the Fawn, and my other illustration of St Lucia bringer of light, riding on her deer (below). Here's a little bit from my process:

my first sketch in colored pencil: I thought her face was a little boring and stiff
my reference & inspiration board on Pinterest. I love it! so easy to collect the images I need

After looking around the internet for reference and ideas, I collect the images on my pinterest board. Then I sketch it out with pencil, and transfer a photocopy of that drawing to my watercolor paper (actually its Strathmore Illustration board, rigid with a smooth vellum texture for painting). Then its just watercolor and final detail touches with colored pencils. 

Sketches from the Philippines

Apr 16, 2014

My husband and I recently took a trip to the Philippines, visiting my sister and exploring Baguio and Palawan. For photos and a little about our trip check out our cinematography blog here. I took along my small sketchbook and only a purple pen, a brown prismacolor col-erase pencil, and pencil sharpener. I was trying to pack light and see what I could do with just two drawing utensils, hehe. Here's a few of the sketches I did:

the view from my sister's balcony, Baguio

El Nido, Palawan

 my husband swims 2 miles to Cadlao island, my sister and I following in our kayak

the view as I was sketching, so amazing!

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