new painting in progress

Mar 30, 2009

New! Or not so new...this is a detail from a painting I started a few weeks ago and have been slowly working on. Its painted over plaster and has a cool texture like a fresco:)


Mar 21, 2009

Finished illustration! The final layers were done in watercolor and acrylic.

cinderella- in progress

Mar 10, 2009

Today I transferred my sketch to my board and washed in the first color layer with watercolor. Next I'll add deeper values and work in more color with acrylics. I've always enjoyed seeing the process of a painting coming together, so I thought this might be fun to see the steps. More to come!


Mar 8, 2009

I started on a sketch this afternoon, for an illustration of cinderella, the brothers grimm version of the fairytale with the "little bird" as the fairy god-mother. Full color to come!

New Website!

Mar 6, 2009

I finally have my portfolio website up and finished. There are two image sections, one for illustration and one for more decorative paintings and mural art. whew! I love it, take a look:
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